Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog.

I love sharing experiences of making, baking, and random learnings, I hope you get some learning or a little laughter from these stories.

Setting Goals, Scaling Back, and Stepping Up in 2020

Setting Goals, Scaling Back, and Stepping Up in 2020

I’ve honestly not done myself any favors with this website and blog adventure – I’ve quit the ease of one web developer to have more control over my website, and quickly discovered there is so. much. more. to learn to manage the site (but it is more malleable!). Additionally, I’m holding myself responsible for a lot of things home-related, started working for my partner’s arborist business (in the home office), and at the end of 2019 decided I want to run another 50k (in 2020… and I have been doing ZERO training). Plus, the lovely (very early) symptoms of peri-menopause have made their presence known over the last year. (YEAY to the aging process!)

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