The Beginning

Sometimes it takes many tries to finally make a change stick. For me, today is this new, and final (for now), beginning. I’m starting my adventure blogging again, after nearly three years of “wanting to blog” I’ve returned to the page to bring you … something.


To let my my words flow as my fingers tap the keys, and enjoy the thrill of sharing small, private victories with you, my dear friend. Because we all like to have an ear who will listen to our stories, especially those of us who like to share everything. (Ha!) So, thank you, my friend, for being present to hear the meandering musings of whimsy and joy that will tumble across these journal pages, for the foreseeable future.

A friend has challenged me to simply start, and by gone it, I am going to take that motivation, stick it in my cup, and drink that cup of courage to make efforts to be here, and present, everyday for two weeks. Or maybe the dare was a month… In any case, you can expect to hear from me rather consistently for a while, and maybe, just maybe, this hobby & desire will finally connect with my insides and writing will not only become a habit, but therapeutic and joyful, again.

Beautiful, magenta Magnolia flowers in bloom.

The magnolias are blooming right now, and I find myself walking all around the neighborhood to see each tree blooming in its unique way, with their distinct pinks, purples, and whites. They vary from star shapes to tulips with petals only three inches long, to blooms the size of dinner plates.

They’re magical. I adore Spring, and simply had to share these beauties with you.

I hope you find some joy, something useful, or a reason to laugh in what you find on these pages. Because inspiring a smile on Your face brings the light to mine. Thanks for being here!



Alaina is a multi-passionate creative based in Springfield, OR.

Pondering 39 Plus Two Weeks


Holiday Ginger Cookies