Thanks so much for stopping by to read my blog.

I love sharing experiences of making, baking, and random learnings, I hope you get some learning or a little laughter from these stories.

Watercolor Whimsy
Musings Alaina Musings Alaina

Watercolor Whimsy

Sometimes life surprises us, revealing parts of ourselves to us in the most unexpected ways.

This month began with excitement for a three-whole-day Watercolor painting workshop exploring portraits. Each day was full of discoveries and revelations at how water and paint can work together in a composition. I learned that color in no way detracts from a portrait, and in fact enhances the beauty. Purples in shadows of the face, blue around the eyes and forehead, and when you begin to layer in more neutral colors the painting begins to take shape… but it really is the blue and purple and green that bring the subject to life!

Our days began with quiet reflection

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Pondering 39 Plus Two Weeks
Musings Alaina Musings Alaina

Pondering 39 Plus Two Weeks

The last Friday in March was my birthday. One year after the pandemic began, a full year after selling my dream home of what now seems like a different era, six months post-hysterectomy, one year away from forty, I am now, finally, feeling life begin to settle.

I’m not talking about anything to do with people getting vaccinated (although, I am grateful for this), or about businesses opening back up, or summer being on the way, and life “getting back to normal.” What is normal anymore, anyway?

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The Beginning
Musings Alaina Musings Alaina

The Beginning

Sometimes it takes many tries to finally make a change stick. For me, today is this new, and final (for now), beginning. I’m starting my adventure blogging again, after nearly three years of “wanting to blog” I’ve returned to the page to bring you … something.


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American Values
Musings Musings

American Values

So, how are you all doing? Are you sleeping? Still stress carbo-loading? (I have been, and made brownies this week, and am now enjoying a 3 day juice cleanse…) Have you made time to do the things that bring you some peace or joy like getting out for a walk, taking a bath, cleaning the kitchen, baking your favorite cookies, making a really good meal, getting your favorite take-out (and supporting that local restaurant you love), or simply sitting down with a good book for thirty minutes to let your mind be at ease for a small amount of time? If nothing else, take fifteen seconds right now, to slowly breathe in for a count of five, hold for one, out for five, and repeat…

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2020 - Quietly Waking Up
Musings Musings

2020 - Quietly Waking Up

This year certainly went in a different direction than I expected. I meant to get back to you all in April about what was going on with my body (more on this soon), and wedding updates, but all the nerves, decision-making, the pandemic, and watching as the world protested for the rights of Black people and womxn's rights took me off track. Possibly, out of body for a while, staying safe and cozy in my home. Then out of my mind with fear of my personal health journey choice, concern for my fellow Americans, and distress over all the loss and hate that was spreading all around our nation, and the world.

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Setting Goals, Scaling Back, and Stepping Up in 2020

Setting Goals, Scaling Back, and Stepping Up in 2020

I’ve honestly not done myself any favors with this website and blog adventure – I’ve quit the ease of one web developer to have more control over my website, and quickly discovered there is so. much. more. to learn to manage the site (but it is more malleable!). Additionally, I’m holding myself responsible for a lot of things home-related, started working for my partner’s arborist business (in the home office), and at the end of 2019 decided I want to run another 50k (in 2020… and I have been doing ZERO training). Plus, the lovely (very early) symptoms of peri-menopause have made their presence known over the last year. (YEAY to the aging process!)

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freedom, forgiveness, & the wild search for edible fungus
Musings Musings

freedom, forgiveness, & the wild search for edible fungus

Two weeks ago, I was starting to feel in command of my life.

Each end of day, I would plan the points of interest and to-do’s for the next day in my new-found freedom. What am I talking about, you wonder? For the last three months, I have been living life job-free, and honestly, really struggling with this new position. I know that sounds ridiculous, but hear me out. For the last 22 years of my life, I have been at the very least, part-time employed. The importance of being a productive member of society is a value that was ingrained in my psyche as a child.

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boxing games
Musings Musings

boxing games

For years, I have been struggling with boxes. Not the physical, cardboard type, but the metaphorical: these are the things I do, this is what I like, therefore, I belong in this box categorization.

Finding my place within the cliques in high school, study groups in college, or the coworkers at my corporate job never really worked for me. I just don't seem to fit the mould, and by "the mould" I mean ANY of them. And that was fine! I got along quite nicely with many different people, making great acquaintances along the way. I'm not friendless, I have been fortunate to have one great friend - my best friend since third grade (yes, that is 25 years of friendship) - a constant confidant in my life.

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